• Canopen standard data format CANopen标准数据格式

    CANopen is a standard protocol. CAN debugging tools can be used to send messages to control the motor.


    Operation send SDO format is as follows:



  • Use Statusword(6041) to determine status

    FAULT:Error occurred    bit3

    Target Reached: Bit 10 

    目标位置到达: Bit 10 

    This bit is set to "1" if the last target was reached and the motor remains within a tolerance window (6067h) for a preset time (6068h).

    如果达到了最后一个目标并且电机仍然保持,则该位设置为“ 1”。在公差窗口(6067h)中保持预设时间(6068h)。

    Limit exceeded: Bit 11

    超出极限:Bit 11

    The demand position is above or below the limit values set in 607Dh.


    Homing mode reached : Bit10 & Bit12

    找零结束:Bit10 & Bit12

    Following Error: Bit13


    This bit is set in closed loop mode if the following error is greater than the set limits


    Determine if 6040 = 0xF and 6040 = 0x1F are assigned successfully

    while ((In.Statusword & 0xEF) != 0x27); 

    while ((In.Statusword & 0x400) != 0x400);



  • 无零点信号编码器如何做驱动器与电机的整定调试



  • Plug & Drive Studio界面调试速度,位置,力矩模式快速指南



    1、进入Profile Velocity选项卡,输入Target velocity(目标速度),加速度,减速度,其他参数默认。



    4.Power on  电机开始动作

    在运行过程中,改变速度,直接改Target velocity的数据,enter输入

  • Plug & Drive Studio简单Console调试流程-For CL4E

    Plug&Drive Studio是一款免费软件,可轻松调试Nanotec控制器,包括电机调试。 如果您对Plug&Drive Studio有疑问,可以通过以下电子邮件地址与我们联系.请在电子邮件主题中包含关键字“ PNDS”。


    CL4E支持Mirco USB/485/CANopen控制和配置驱动器




    三选一即可,确保能正常连接PNDS软件 三、最新版本的PNDS软件,免安装,解压即可使用

  • Application Note ST4AXIS

    Four-axis control board for simple control flow instructions
    1. Setting parameters:
    2. Parameter saving after power-off: / 1!
    3. Control each axis' rotation separately:
    (1) Set axis 1 to rotate forward: / 1aM1P1000R
    (2) Set axis 1 to rotate in the reverse direction: / 1aM1D1000R

  • Application_Note_TwinCAT3 V1.0.1
    Application_Note_TwinCAT3 V1.0.1

    Configuration of TwinCAT3 to operate Nanotec controllers via EtherCAT as a box or NC axis in position or cyclic synchronous position (CSP) mode .

  • Compact brushless DC servo motor with integrated controller

    The configurator suggests the appropriate product and product combination for the parameters entered by the user. Possible search criteria are, for example, the necessary torque and speed, available power sources, requirements for motor control and communication interfaces, and requirements for additional accessories for brakes or IP protective covers.

  • Compact brushless DC servo motor with integrated controller (Copy)

    The configurator suggests the appropriate product and product combination for the parameters entered by the user. Possible search criteria are, for example, the necessary torque and speed, available power sources, requirements for motor control and communication interfaces, and requirements for additional accessories for brakes or IP protective covers.

  • Compact brushless DC servo motor with integrated controller (Copy) (Copy)

    The configurator suggests the appropriate product and product combination for the parameters entered by the user. Possible search criteria are, for example, the necessary torque and speed, available power sources, requirements for motor control and communication interfaces, and requirements for additional accessories for brakes or IP protective covers.