CANopen is a standard protocol. CAN debugging tools can be used to send messages to control the motor.
Operation send SDO format is as follows:
目标位置到达: Bit 10
This bit is set to "1" if the last target was reached and the motor remains within a tolerance window (6067h) for a preset time (6068h).
如果达到了最后一个目标并且电机仍然保持,则该位设置为“ 1”。在公差窗口(6067h)中保持预设时间(6068h)。
超出极限:Bit 11
The demand position is above or below the limit values set in 607Dh.
找零结束:Bit10 & Bit12
This bit is set in closed loop mode if the following error is greater than the set limits
Determine if 6040 = 0xF and 6040 = 0x1F are assigned successfully
while ((In.Statusword & 0xEF) != 0x27);
while ((In.Statusword & 0x400) != 0x400);
Configuration of TwinCAT3 to operate Nanotec controllers via EtherCAT as a box or NC axis in position or cyclic synchronous position (CSP) mode .