Ethernet/IP Servo Motor Controller

The EtherNET/IP is a real-time Ethernet protocol widely used in automation technology.The controller is suitable for stepper motors and servo motors with encoder input. Precise position, speed, torque control.The driver integrated digital input and output interface.

Servo & Stepper Motor Controller-C5-E-2-11

Ethernet / ip Motor Controller-C5-E-2-11, designed based on standard Ethernet / ip protocol, can drive stepper motors, s...
Rated current (Arms):10 A
Operating Voltage V:12-48 V
Servo & Stepper Motor Controller-C5-E-2-11

High Power Motor Controller-N5-2-3

The high-power controller is designed based on the EtherNet / IP protocol. Quick connection with PLC systems such as AB....
Rated current (Arms):18 A
Operating Voltage V:12-58 V
High Power Motor Controller-N5-2-3